Returns Policy and Shipping

Delivery within Australia
Manufactured Apparel by Hosikozi (wholesale customer only):
Upon any firm order we offer a 4-6 week delivery, subject to unforeseen supplier's delays. Rush order can be processed in 2-3 weeks subject to our production workload at the time, every effort is made to assist with late orders. NOTE: For the continual manufacture for example a school's uniform we will stock those materials at all times, volume of this stock will be weighed against the possible annual requirements. Some deliveries may take a lesser time due to quantity and time of year.
Stock Service Garments and Accessories:
These products are from the many excellent suppliers whom we advertise on our home page, their products can be shipped to you within 7 days plain, or 10-15 days which allows for any decoration of logos or names that you may require. We will notify you if any garments that are on back order. These will be sent separately with no additional freight/postage charge. FREE delivery within Australia for orders over $500.00. All orders under $500 will be expressed ship via courier or Australia Post to ensure prompt delivery.
International Delivery
Please note, we ship only to Australian addresses & do not ship internationally.
Customer Service Policy
If for any reason we are unable to dispatch your order we will notify you within 5 business days. Garments that are not yet available can be purchased, however they will not be dispatched until the garment has been produced. We will happily refund the amount of the garment, or organise and exchange if you do not wish to wait the expected waiting period.
Customer Service Policy
Upon receipt of your order we will notify of the total costs and shipping within 1-2 business days, also the availability of stock. As stock items and raw fabrics for Hosikozi manufacture may change at any time, causing either a delay or unavailability of product you are welcome at this time to change your product ordered, or cancel part or all of your order.
Refund Policy
Hosikozi wants you to be thrilled with your purchase. If something isn't right, let us know. We can exchange for another size, colour or something completely different. We will happily refund your money providing the following conditions have been met: - The items with the original receipt are returned within 14 days of purchase. - Items must be in original condition as purchased, with all labels/tickets attached. Garments must not have been worn. To return a garment, return the item including the receipt (that you received with your parcel) and indicate the reason for the return.
Warranty of Product
We warrant all products we sell, both manufactured by Hosikozi or by another supplier and sold through us. This warranty is for a fair time from purchase of 3 months unless otherwise quoted, excludes normal wear and tear. Replacement product will be supplied if repair is not possible.
Send the return to:
Hosikozi Clothing Company Pty Ltd
349 Riding Road Balmoral Brisbane QLD 4171
Customers will be responsible for shipping and handling charges of any returns.
All transactions are displayed and processed in AUD.